Factotum Group LLP is registered in England and Wales, under registration number OC430776. Our VAT number is 343408417 and our registered office address is 85 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 7LT.
As a member firm of the ICAEW, Factotum Group LLP is bound by the Institute’s code of conduct, which can be found here.
Factotum Group LLP is registered with the Information Commissioner as a data controller. Details about our registration can be viewed here, under registration number ZB058672.
Please contact Bobby Lane our CEO, bobby.lane@factotum.com if you have any complaint in relation to the firm. A copy of our complaints procedure is available on request. If after we have reviewed any complaint you have you remain dissatisfied, then you may contact the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
In accordance with the disclosure requirements of the Provision of Services Regulations 2009, our professional indemnity insurers for accountancy services are QBE.
The geographical limit is worldwide; the applicable courts are worldwide (excluding United States of America and Canada).