Insights from Our Clients: Prioritising Mental Health and Well-being

Prioritising mental health and well-being is crucial for personal and professional success. To better understand how our clients approach this important aspect of their lives, we asked them two key questions: How do you define a healthy work-life balance for yourself, and how do you achieve it? Additionally, we inquired about any unique stress management techniques or business practices they have implemented to improve their mental well-being. The responses we received were insightful and inspiring, shedding light on the diverse strategies individuals employ to maintain a healthy mindset.

Defining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

When it comes to defining a healthy work-life balance, our clients shared a range of perspectives. For some, like Petra Green, Head of Legal at Promoveritas, finding flexibility in their work arrangements is important. Petra emphasises the importance of maintaining boundaries, setting working hours, and working from home a few days a week to spend quality time with her family.

Suzanne Brennan, Director of Fundraising at Future Dreams, highlights the significance of trust in oneself and the organisation in achieving a healthy balance. She also emphasises the positive impact of hybrid working and understanding boundaries and mental health.

Unique Stress Management Techniques

Our clients have discovered various non-traditional stress management techniques that work wonders for their mental well-being. Lisa Hylton, Human Resources Director at Exclusive Services Group, embraces change and explores new fitness classes and foods to improve her overall well-being. She finds solace in sports activities like running and boxing, which not only help her maintain work boundaries but also contribute to her mental stability.

Debbie Webster, CEO of Sassoon Global and President of Drybar, turns to oil painting as a form of meditation. This allows her mind to shift away from work-related thoughts and find peace in the present moment.

Implementing Business Practices for Mental Well-being

In addition to personal stress management techniques, our clients have implemented specific business practices that unexpectedly improved their mental well-being. Lisa emphasises the importance of being mindful of working hours, staying hydrated, eating well, and fostering a positive and enjoyable work environment. By encouraging laughter and camaraderie among colleagues, she creates a supportive atmosphere that benefits everyone’s mental health.

Debbie’s strong support system emphasis extends beyond her personal network. She recognises the value of fostering a supportive company culture. By encouraging open discussions, sharing experiences, and promoting a culture of learning and support, Debbie ensures that her organisation values mental health and provides the necessary support for employees facing difficult times.

Impact on Company Culture

Our clients’ mental health and stress management approaches profoundly impact their company cultures. Lisa actively encourages her team to prioritise self-care and provides support when needed. By fostering open discussions and sharing experiences, she creates an environment where employees can learn from one another and support each other’s well-being.

Similarly, Suzanne’s emphasis on trust, inclusivity, and understanding trickles down to her organisation, promoting a culture that values mental health and supports employees facing difficult times. Debbie Webster’s focus on building a strong support system benefits her personally and contributes to a supportive company culture where individuals can thrive.

The insights shared by our clients highlight the multifaceted nature of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and prioritising mental well-being. From finding flexibility in work arrangements to implementing unique stress management techniques and fostering supportive company cultures, our clients have demonstrated their commitment to holistic well-being. By embracing personal support networks, practising mindfulness, and implementing business practices that prioritise mental health, they inspire us all to prioritise our mental well-being and create environments that support individuals’ and organisations’ overall health and success.

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